2006年5月2日 星期二

Jurassic Park

Here are some memorable quotes,

"Most kinds of power require a substantial

sacrifice by whoever wants the power.

There is an apprenticeship, a discipline lasting many years.

Whatever kind of power you want. President of the company.

Black belt in karate. Spiritual guru.

Whatever it is you seek, you have to put in the time,

the practice, the effort. You must give up a lot to get it."

"But scientific power is like inherited wealth:attained without discipline."

Those sentences are the main theory in this book.

Micahel Crichton is such an extroadinary scientific story teller.

In preparing the novel, he has drawn on the work of many paleontologists.

He was also inspired by the chaos theory and then he created Ian Malcolm.

Once people play with the most powerful technology and try to create things

which no longer exsists, the disaster begins.

It is not merely a terrifying fiction or mediocre horror story as the movie.

I am also impressed by the great imagination of Michael Crichton and other scientists.

The way he described Valociraptors is so real and reasonable.

I thought dinosaurs are some kind of reptile.

But, they are neither reptile nor birds. They are animals we don`t know.

We can`t classify things we don`t know.

Things which bones and DNA sequence can tell are few.

After reading the book, I have a new perspective on the nature and science.
Science is a new term since the Renaissance in Florence,
a new method that we can see things objectively.



